Thursday, November 1, 2012


 For this puzzle the goal was to find all the various squares. For me the first squares I saw were the smaller ones which there were five of so I outlined them, for my friend Alex he didn't notice the one square that was not with the others (maybe because the four were in a group). Continuing to outline I then saw the larger square containing all the smaller squares inside and from there connected the rectangles on the outside of the larger square to create four more squares. Alex followed lines mentally compared to my strategy to outline.

The counting squares puzzle works with pattern-seeking. Because I used black and white ink instead of color it gave us a disadvantage at find the correct number of squares. With the use of colors and various sizes it creates distracting surroundings. By not having color it was easier to miss the differences but by following the lines it was easier to find the pattern.

In this puzzle we had to visually find out which spiral had two different ropes without tracing or touching the page. Both of us were able to follow the lines of the spiral to see that the one on the left is only one rope. For me I found it easier to find this by starting on the inside and work my way into the spiral.

This is an example of dynamic structures. By using motion visually we are working out “kinesthetic imagery”.

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