Thursday, September 27, 2012

This image is a visual representation of the economy. Colors of red, orange, yellow and white cover the background to create a sunrise coming from the right corner. In front of the sunrise is the silhouette of three men in suits and ties and two women in skirts and blazers to reflect business-like attire. These five individuals are all pulling up the symbol of American dollars, an “s” with a line through the top and bottom of it. The American dollar sign is hanging over a cliff while the five people are pulling a rope, making it seem like they are playing tug-a-war.

Responses or feelings

1.    Hope

2.    Struggle

3.    Heavy

4.    Business people

5.    Men out-weigh women in business


1.    Dollar sign= money

2.    Men and women= citizens

3.    Sunrise= hope/ new beginning

Underlying compositional structure

This image contributes to creating the feeling of hope because the sunrise in the background denotes a new beginning or hope. The dollar sign being larger than the men and women denote that it is heavy and hard to handle. The men and women silhouettes give the thought that it takes all men and women to work together to create a better economy.

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